At Smart Growth Maryland, we believe that the future of our state depends on thoughtful, affordable, and sustainable development patterns that create more opportunities for all Marylanders. That’s why we are excited to announce our 2025 Action Agenda, a set of shared priorities and initiatives compiled from conversations around the state and participants at our recent statewide Smart Growth Workshop held in Frederick, Maryland.
That workshop brought together stakeholders — including local leaders, housing advocates, urban planners, transportation experts, and community organizers practicing in and around Smart Growth. After inspiring lighting talks and in-depth discussions, the workshop and continuing conversations with key stakeholders, resulted in a collaborative action agenda.
Picture: Preservation Maryland President & CEO Nicholas Redding speaks during the 2024 Statewide Smart Growth Workshop in Frederick.

In keeping with the motto of “your agenda is our agenda” we’ve outlined the following 5 key priorities from the workshop that will guide our work and initiatives we will support in the coming year.
1. Housing Development & Infrastructure: Meeting Our Needs
Advance policies and actions to support affordable housing development and necessary infrastructure.
- Support an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO) Task Force similar to the Acessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Task Force.
- Establish mechanisms for tracking and measuring local housing goals and infrastructure needs and capacity alignment.
- Explore fee increases to fund more affordable housing development.
- Promote zoning reforms, including form-based-codes, to reduce friction in development.
2. Transportation & Smart Growth Integration: Connecting Our Communities
Improve access to transportation and integrate transportation solutions with Smart Growth strategies.
- Support continued expansion of access to public transit and alternative transport options, especially trail development in rural areas.
- Shift state and local focus toward utilizing existing infrastructure and built assets for growth.
- Support policies that integrate transportation planning with housing development.
3. Data-Driven Decision Making & Technical Assistance: Making Informed Choices
Leverage data and provide technical support to improve planning and decision-making.
- Promote the use of Urban3 data and other tools for informed development planning statewide.
- Provide model ordinances and technical assistance to local governments and decision-makers.
- Collect data on housing and development to educate and guide policy and community decisions.
Picture: Peak Tax Value Per Acre by City on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, analysis by North Carolina-based Urban3, image from the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy.

4. Public Engagement & Education: Building a Shared Vision
Engage the public and educate stakeholders on Smart Growth, housing, and development.
- Develop educational campaigns targeting both constituents and elected officials on the benefits of Smart Growth.
- Use affordable housing as a central focus for community outreach and dialogue.
- Modernize public outreach strategies using digital tools and forums to engage a broader audience.
5. Leadership, Advocacy, and Policy Reform: Driving Change
Build leadership and advocate for policy changes at the state and local levels.
- Identify and elevate leadership in Maryland for Smart Growth initiatives.
- Foster collaboration between sectors and organizations to advance Smart Growth and affordable housing goals.
- Identify funders to support capacity expansion of smart growth advocacy movement in Maryland.
Picture: Participants in small group discussions at the 2024 Statewide Smart Growth Workshop, hosted by Smart Growth Maryland in Frederick in December 2024.

The 2025 Action Agenda is not just a set of ideas; it’s a call to action. Through these five priorities — housing and infrastructure, transportation integration, data-driven decision-making, public engagement, and strong leadership — we can create a more sustainable, affordable, and vibrant Maryland for all.
We are grateful for the collaboration and energy that was shared during the Statewide Smart Growth Workshop and look forward to working with our partners, stakeholders, and communities across Maryland to make these goals a reality. Together, we can build a smarter, more equitable future for our state.
Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved as we move forward with this agenda as the Maryland General Assembly reconvenes in Annapolis.