In advance of the mid-term elections, two national historic preservation and heritage advocacy organizations, Preservation Action and the Coalition for American Heritage, have released the results of their candidate surveys.

With the help of state and local partners like Preservation Maryland, Preservation Action, the national historic preservation advocacy organization, reached out to U.S. House and Senate candidates in all 50 states and asked them about where they stand on the National Historic Preservation Program. The results of the 2018 Historic Preservation Congressional Survey are heartening, with 99 percent of the candidates who responded in support of the Historic Preservation Fund and 98 percent in support of the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program.

The Coalition for American Heritage is an advocacy organization comprised of heritage professionals, non-profits, educators, and history enthusiasts from across the country who work together to advocate for laws and regulations that protect our country’s cultural heritage and history. They also conducted a survey of 2018 Congressional candidates to help identify those who support historic preservation.

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