Congressman David Trone Visits the Historic Preservation Training Center

This week we welcomed Congressman Trone to the current site of the Historic Preservation Training Center where Preservation Maryland’s President & CEO Nicholas Redding, alongside the National Park Service’s Moss Rudley, discussed the workforce development initiative The Campaign For Historic Trades, job creation, and the importance of expanding the Center to preserve the past.

Rep. Trone and NPS’ Moss Rudley


Preservation Maryland, which powers the workforce development initiative The Campaign for Historic Trades in partnership with the National Park Service, worked alongside Maryland Senators Ben Cardin (D) and Chris Van Hollen (D) and U.S. Rep. David Trone (D) on the introduction of the legislation, an important step for the future of the Training Center and historic preservation.


Last month Preservation Maryland announced our role in the introduction of federal legislation, a first in the organization’s history. The bill, the Frederick Jobs and Historic Preservation Training Center Land Authority Act, would authorize a one-time, $1 million appropriation to acquire the land identified by the National Park Service and the City of Frederick to facilitate a new Historic Preservation Training Center. More space means the ability to train more skilled hands.

Preservation Maryland continues to find new ways to grow, expand and make a lasting impact on Maryland and beyond.