Conceived, created, and installed by Accomplished Arts Apprentices (AAA) at The Peale, their first official exhibition, The Art of Restorative Resonance, will showcase historic preservation work from the AAA program, exploring the intersection of historic restoration and holistic restoration, offering a unique comparison between the physical revival of art and architecture and the emotional healing of individuals and communities. The exhibition will take place on Friday, December 20 from 6-7p and serves as a capstone to the Accomplished Arts Apprenticeship’s months-long journey.
In 2023 Peale Center for History & Culture was awarded a $4,000 Heritage Fund grant (Evaluating & Amplifying Accomplished Arts Apprenticeships at the Peale), which supported an independent evaluation of The Peale’s Accomplished Arts Apprenticeship (AAA) program and the publication of its learnings and results by Dr. Zahava Doering. Part of the evaluation/reporting process includes recording the apprentices’ personal stories and responses to their introduction to the historic preservation trades of the AAA program.
This exhibition is sponsored by the Institute of Library Services (IMLS); Baltimore National Heritage Area; Aegon Transamerica Foundation; Maryland Heritage Areas Authority (MHAA); Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCH); Preservation Maryland; Historic Preservation Education Foundation; France-Merrick Foundation; and the many friends of The Peale.