Innovative historians across the country have been ramping up engaging online education efforts while museums, visitors centers, and historical societies are closed for safety. Here are just some of the inspiring and interesting stories we’ve compiled from our friends across the country:


NCPTT LogoDr. Mary Striegel, chief of material conservation at NCPTT took to Facebook Live to share expert and timely advice on using Personal Protective Equipment in a museum setting, disinfecting collections, and re-entry planning and safety measures to insure a return to operations of cultural sites, such as museums and historic buildings after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed us. The videos were so popular – and garnering views from around the world – that they translated the videos into several languages and re-released them on YouTube.

NCPTT helps preservationists find better tools, better materials, and better approaches to conserving buildings, landscapes, sites, and collections. It conducts research and testing in its own laboratories, provides cutting edge training around the U.S., and supports research and training projects at universities and nonprofits. NCPTT pushes the envelope of current preservation practice by exploring advances in science and technology in other fields and applying them to issues in cultural resources management.

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The Riversdale House Museum is managed by the Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning Commission and typically hosts visitors to the 200-year-old National Historic Landmark on a daily basis and through myriad special events and courses. With the Museum closed, the house managers have transitioned existing programs to the virtual world – offering them to an even broader audience. You can join them for a virtual Tavern Night on Zoom, put together a digital puzzle, and if you’re nearby in Prince George’s County feel free to walk the grounds and pick some herbs from their Victory Garden.

Sign Up for Emails from Riversdale


Preservation Pennsylvania is challenging and encouraging its members and friends to get outdoors to their local parks and to admire old buildings along the way. If you commit to running or walking 3.1 miles by the end of May, as part of their “Get Outta Your Old House DIY 5K Fun Run,” you’ll get a commemorative t-shirt – and you’ll be staying healthy and active and supporting Preservation Pennsylvania. Participants are asked to post photos of their run with #preservationpafunrun.
Sign Up for the Fun Run


Inspiring Museum Part 1

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