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Six-to-Fix Update: Crowdsourcing a Roof for Shafer Farm
We're asking you - all of you - to help put a new roof on the important South Mountain Battlefield farmstead at the Shafer Farm. Our $2,500 fundraising goal will off-set the cost of a crew of roofers from the Durable Slate Company to make the roof last through the...
Senator Cardin Stands up for Preservation
At this week's Finance Committee confirmation hearings for Steven Mnuchin, President Trump's nominee to head the Treasury Department, Maryland Senator Ben Cardin took the opportunity to defend the historic rehab tax credit program and request the support of the new...
PreserveCast S1E1: The Drone Zone with Elevated Element
PreserveCast is where historic preservation meets technology, and this episode features Belinda Kilby, of the Maryland-based drone photography and videography company, Elevated Element. They have already put their expertise to great use in partnership with...
Training Recap: Preservation Town Hall Presentation
Not able to join us at one of our Town Hall events earlier this January? We've got you covered. Check out our presentation that highlights our work, priorities and how you can make a difference in your own community. Preservation Maryland hosted several Town Hall...
Six-to-Fix Update: Steps Taken to Safeguard the Shafer Farm House
The Burkittsville Preservation Alliance, owners of the Shafer Farm, have been busy taking small, and necessary steps to safeguard the property. Here's an update: One of the major tenants of Preservation Maryland's Six-to-Fix program is the participation of the...
Sign-on Letter in Support of the Federal Historic Tax Credit
Communities across Maryland benefit from the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit - and it is now seriously threatened by comprehensive tax reform. We need your help. The Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit has supported nearly 500 redevelopment projects in Maryland...
Two Maryland Research Projects awarded African American Civil Rights Grant
The National Park Service recently announced the distribution of African American Civil Rights grants that includes two Maryland projects; surveying African American community spaces in Anne Arundel County and collecting oral histories related to Lillie Carrol...
PreserveCast S1E0: “What is a Preservation Maryland Anyways?”
Welcome to Preservation Maryland's PreserveCast. I'm your host, Nick Redding. I'm very excited to welcome you to our very first episode...that's how history is made with Preservation Maryland's very first podcast. Listen in! LISTEN ONLINE NOW WHAT IS A PRESERVATION...
Now Streaming: Preservation Maryland’s PreserveCast
Preservation Maryland is pleased to announce a new initiative and program for the 85-year old organization; a weekly preservation podcast. PreserveCast, as it is known, will look at the intersection of preservation and technology and the way the future is shaping...
Our Maryland State House through History
On this day in 1784, our Maryland State House hosted members of the Continental Congress to sign the Treaty of Paris - the document that officially ended the Revolutionary War and acknowledged the United States to be free, sovereign, and independent from Britain!...
Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.