News & Blog | Old
Vice President Katie Parks To Depart Organization
After a 3-year tenure of dramatic impact, Preservation Maryland's Vice President Katie Parks will depart the organization for a role at the Maryland Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO). During her service as our first VP, Katie drastically increased our...
Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death: 1816 and the Year Without a Summer
The old joke, oft repeated, about the mercurial climate of Maryland is that if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes. While the official start to the summer of 2023 has been unseasonably cool, it doesn't come close to the below-normal temperatures of...
Statewide Preservation Plan Public Meetings in July
The Maryland Historical Trust will host public meetings to solicit feedback about goals and recommended actions for the statewide preservation plan – an eight-year guidance document for government agencies, non-profit advocates, and others involved in historic...
Preservation Maryland, Maryland Center for History and Culture: Gov. Understands Power, Value, Relevance of Md.’s History
The power of history is something well known to historians and preservationists across Maryland, but hearing our governor recently make a compelling case for the critical value of history at this moment is reason to celebrate. While addressing the graduating class...
2023 Heritage Fund Recipients Announced
The Heritage Fund, a cooperative effort of Preservation Maryland and the Maryland Historical Trust, has selected its 2023 award recipients. The Fund provides direct assistance for the protection of historical and cultural resources and promotes innovative...
Maryland: Where Inspiration Was Sewn
On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress passed a resolution stating that “the flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternate red and white,” and that “the union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation." More...
Celebrating The Value of Historic Preservation with Senator Van Hollen, Congressman Trone
In honor of National Preservation Month Preservation Maryland hosted elected officials, members of the preservation community, and stakeholders today in Frederick to recognize the passage of The Frederick Jobs and Historic Preservation Training Center Land...
Advocacy Update: Mid-Session Preservation Report
As the Maryland General Assembly approaches the mid-point of its 90-day legislative session, Preservation Maryland is busy making preservation a priority and has much to report. Preservation Maryland, a trusted voice for preservation in the halls of Annapolis, has...
TUNE IN: Maintaining Livability in Historic Downtowns
Legacy cities like Charleston and New Orleans are no strangers to the economic and cultural benefits of historic preservation. For many main streets, it spurs growth and investment, bringing new businesses, residents, and tourists. The cities with some of the...
Best of Maryland Awards: Nominations are Now Open
Nominations are now open for our annual Best of Maryland awards. From legislative champions to talented craftspeople and project excellence in the field of preservation, these awards honor the individuals, groups, and organizations that show us what is possible...
Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.