News & Blog | Old

Now is the Time: Giving Tuesday Redux

Preservation Maryland is the first and foremost historic preservation organization in Maryland. We work to bring technical assistance, capacity building, and economic revitalization to communities across the state - and we want to show you. Earlier this month, we...

Shafer Farm Barn in 2016

Six-to-Fix Update: Focusing on the Shafer Farm Barn

There are five structures on the Civil War-era Shafer Farm property located in Frederick County that would have served distinct purposes for the running of a farm business and household. Preservation Maryland and the Burkittsville Preservation Association have...

Made in Maryland: Local Holiday Gift Guide

As Marylanders rush around this time of year to find the perfect presents and treats, it’s important to remember the scores of wonderful Maryland-made products that can make the ideal gift. Supporting Maryland manufacturers keeps profits local, supports our local...


Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.