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Washington County Flag

Flags Across Maryland: Washington County

In this feature, Preservation Maryland is exploring the unique history of five county flags across the state The Washington County flag, adopted in 1988, features a portrait of the county’s namesake, George Washington, on a green and blue background split by a...

Rehab Reflections: 417 N Jonathan Street

Preservation Maryland’s 1830s log cabin in Hagerstown, Maryland is nearing the end of its makeover. The once haggard home in the historic Jonathan Street community now stands revived and resolute, ready to hold the stories of many more homeowners for generations to...

Anne Arundel County Flag

Flags Across Maryland: Anne Arundel County

In this feature, Preservation Maryland is exploring the unique history of five county flags across the state. The Anne Arundel County Flag features the county seal on a white background. The county seal consists of the Calvert and Crossland coats of arms, similar...

90 Years of Preservation Maryland

This month Preservation Maryland celebrates 90 years of historic preservation work. Although our core mission remains the same as when we started in 1931 - preserving Maryland’s unique and irreplaceable heritage - our work has adapted, our strategies...

Montgomery County Flag

Flags Across Maryland: Montgomery County

In this feature, Preservation Maryland is exploring the unique history of five county flags across the state The design of the county flag comes from the family coat of arms of Richard Montgomery. It was adopted in 1976 and features a fleur-de-lis, alluding to the...

painting of the battle of long island in 1776

The Origin of the “Old Line State”

In 1776, American independence was anything but certain. Maryland troops under General Washington fought a pitched battle that may have saved the entire army and earned the state its nickname; The Old Line State. On August 27, 1776, the British Army, under the...

Baltimore County Flag

Flags Across Maryland: Baltimore County

In this feature, Preservation Maryland is exploring the unique history of five county flags across the state. Baltimore County flag’s design came from a county-wide competition to develop a flag that reflected the county’s rich history. Open to county high school...


Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.