News & Blog | Old

The Origin of the “Old Line State”

In 1776, American independence was anything but certain. Maryland troops under General Washington fought a pitched battle that may have saved the entire army and earned the state its nickname; The Old Line State. On August 27, 1776, the British Army, under the...

Barriers to Infill Development in Maryland 

Have you ever walked past a vacant lot in an otherwise intact streetscape and wondered "why is that lot not built on?" The answers may surprise you. Infill development is one of the main strategies of Smart Growth and focuses on building on underutilized land in...

Maryland: Where Inspiration Was Sewn

On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress passed a resolution stating that “the flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternate red and white,” and that “the union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation." More than 100 years...

Best of Maryland Awards Nominations Open

Each year these awards honor the individuals, groups, and organizations that show us what is possible when we work to preserve Maryland’s rich history. You can read more about past winners here. We will once showcase our Best of Maryland Awards at our annual...

2024 Heritage Fund Recipients Announced

The Heritage Fund, a cooperative effort of Preservation Maryland and the Maryland Historical Trust, has selected its 2024 award recipients. The Fund provides direct assistance for the protection of historical and cultural resources and promotes innovative...


Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.