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Smart Growth Maryland: In the Field in Frederick County
Smart Growth Maryland is a campaign of Preservation Maryland which advocates for a more environmentally and economically sustainable future that creates opportunities for all Marylanders through better development patterns. A major component of this campaign is...
Support the Historic Tax Credit Enhancement Act
Last year, Preservation Maryland and our partners from across the country worked with members of Congress to retain the Historic Tax Credit (HTC) in a reformed tax code. While we were successful in keeping the HTC as a permanent tax credit, the credit is now taken...
Main Street Maryland Certifies Two New Historic Communities
Early this month, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development designated two new Main Street communities into the statewide economic development program, the Town of New Market and the City of Laurel. There are now 30 Main Streets across Maryland...
Heritage Fund Program Awards over $50,000 to Array of Preservation Projects
The Heritage Fund grant program is a cooperative effort of Preservation Maryland and the Maryland Historical Trust. An important source of direct financial support for preservation projects since 1997, we're pleased to announce grants totaling over $50,000 to the...
100th Anniversary of the End of World War One
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One. The bloody fighting came to a brokered armistice on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour. The changes the war wrought were undeniable. It was described as the “war to end all...
Post-Election Update on the Future of Historic Ellicott City
Elections have consequences – and the most recent election in Howard County will have significant impacts on the future of historic Ellicott City. As a non-partisan organization, Preservation Maryland watched from the sidelines as the 5-year, $50 million flood...
Smart Growth Maryland: Land Conservation Success Report
As a result of the efforts of the Smarter Growth Alliance for Charles County, which is led by Smart Growth Maryland, 208-acres of environmentally sensitive and culturally significant land has been preserved forever. Smart Growth Maryland is a campaign of...
Smart Growth Maryland: In the Field in Charles County
Smart Growth Maryland is a campaign of Preservation Maryland which advocates for a more environmentally and economically sustainable future that creates opportunities for all Marylanders through better development patterns. A major component of this campaign is...
Smart Growth Maryland: Alternatives to New Chesapeake Bay Crossing Should be Considered
In fall of 2017, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) initiated the Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study to study the potential location for a third Bay Bridge crossing. The impact of a such a massive project could have a profound impact on the historic landscape...
National Preservation Organizations Release Candidate Surveys
In advance of the mid-term elections, two national historic preservation and heritage advocacy organizations, Preservation Action and the Coalition for American Heritage, have released the results of their candidate surveys. With the help of state and local...
Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.