Results for "south mountain"

Journey through Maryland History: Riding the Rails in Allegany County

Journey through Maryland History: Riding the Rails in Allegany County

Continuing her twenty-four Maryland counties in twenty-four months travelogue, Preservation Maryland Board Vice-President, Diane Caslow, spent a lovely May weekend in Western Maryland. Her travels took her to Cumberland and along to the Western Maryland Scenic Railway...

PreserveCast S1E2: Window into the Mind of a Preservationist

PreserveCast S1E2: Window into the Mind of a Preservationist

Take a moment to peer into the window of the over 36 year of Douglas Claytor, a Maryland resident, a preservation advocate, and a skilled preservation practitioner and teacher. Doug's had a hand in many of Maryland's great restoration projects - and he's committed to...

Maryland Music: Old-Time and Bluegrass Music in Maryland

Music has existed in many ways and in many contexts in Maryland’s history, but one style that has made a big mark on the state’s history is American folk music, and later bluegrass. Please read and listen on to the next installment of Preservation Maryland's blog...

Maryland Heritage Areas

Maryland Heritage Areas

Promoting and enhancing the history of Maryland is a big job – and one that fuels one of the state’s most important industries: Heritage Tourism.

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Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.