Submit An Award Nomination
Since 1985, Preservation Maryland has presented awards to individuals and organizations for their contribution to preserving and telling our State’s rich, authentic, and diverse history.
Preservation Maryland will once again showcase our Best of Maryland Awards at our Phoenix Rising Event on October 1st 2022! The Best of Maryland awards show us what is possible when we work together to preserve Maryland’s rich history.
Chances are, you’re eligible! We seek to make the nomination process efficient for all involved; the application process is a single online form. We encourage you to apply!
Individuals, non-profit and for-profit organizations and businesses, and government agencies are eligible. You may nominate yourself. You may submit multiple nominations. You may re-nominate projects that were not selected previously.
Awards are granted upon the sole discretion of Preservation Maryland; an award from each category may or may not be awarded each year, multiple awards in a single category may or may not be awarded. Please select the award category that best fits your nominee. We understand that some nominations may be eligible for multiple categories and will evaluate nominations across categories.
Materials submitted will be used in digital and print materials by Preservation Maryland.
Nomination InstructioNS
We suggest reviewing the Award Categories first as they are outlined below, reviewing the online nomination form and then preparing your responses in a separate document before entering them into the online form for submission. You cannot save your nomination form. If you cannot complete your nomination as instructed, please contact Jessica Feldt
We currently present the following awards:
Presented to an elected official in Maryland that champions historic preservation policy, programs, and supporting funding, and recognizes the importance of preserving Maryland heritage. Nominations will be evaluated based on the impact of the officials’ support on preservation in Maryland.
Presented to individuals or organizations to recognize exceptional leadership and commitment to preserving Maryland’s rich and diverse heritage. Nominations will be evaluated based on the length and nature of service or project, record of achievement, and the nominee’s overall impact on the statewide preservation movement.
Presented to an individual who is employed as a professional by a historic preservation organization, agency, or academic institution and who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership, knowledge, and creativity in the protection and preservation of Maryland’s historic buildings, neighborhoods, landscapes, and archeological sites. Nominations will be evaluated based on the impact of the person’s achievements and their contributions to the preservation of Maryland’s history and culture.
Presented to individuals or organizations to recognize projects demonstrating excellence in the revitalization of threatened or abandoned historic resources. Nominations will be evaluated based on the project’s impact on historic preservation and community revitalization.
An award honoring an individual, organization, or project that best exemplifies the core tenets of smart growth. Smart growth is a broad and diverse movement which embraces environmentally and economically sustainable development patterns to create better opportunities for all citizens.
Presented to individuals or organizations to recognize exemplary stewardship of Maryland’s historic buildings, collections, landscapes, and archaeological sites. Nominations will be evaluated based on the degree to which the project conforms to applicable professional standards, such as the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, and the degree to which the project has successfully protected a historic resource from harm. Nominated projects should have been completed within the last two years.
The Harrison Volunteer Awards has been presented by Preservation Maryland semi-annually since 1985 and is the organization’s oldest award. This award goes to individuals or organizations to recognize outstanding volunteer contributions to historic preservation in Maryland. Nominations will be evaluated based on the extent to which the individual or group’s preservation project made a substantial contribution to saving historic resources in Maryland.
Presented to an individual or group of individuals who have demonstrated excellence in the art and artistry of a craft or trade that is used in the preservation, restoration, or rehabilitation of historic buildings, neighborhoods, landscapes, or archaeological sites in Maryland. Nominations will be evaluated based on the person’s demonstrated excellence in the practice of their craft as well as their ability to inspire and willingness to teach others the skills needed to perform their trade.