Only in Maryland

Action Required to Protect Maryland’s Heritage

We need your help to make preservation a priority and to reauthorize the critical Historic Rehab Tax Credit in Maryland. Since its creation, the 20% tax credit for historic building rehabilitation has: Rehabilitated over 4,018 residential and 625 commercial...

Grant Received from Prestigious National Foundation

Preservation Maryland is pleased to announce it has been selected as the recipient of a grant from the Rhode Island-based 1772 Foundation. The grant will support a feasibility study and business plan to assist with the creation of a Maryland-based historic property...

Maryland Preservation News Weekly

Maryland Preservation News Weekly

Each week we compile news in preservation and history from around the state, and publish it on Storify, and here on our blog:

Recap: Maryland History Advocacy Day

On February 23, 2016 Preservation Maryland joined together advocates and partners from across the state to make the case to State decision-makers for the value of Maryland’s history. Speaking with one voice, Marylanders joined together to let their state legislators...

Evergreen Heritage Center: Two Hundred Years of History

Evergreen Heritage Center: Two Hundred Years of History

Nestled in the hills of Allegany County, the Evergreen Heritage Center preserves early American history from a time when the first settlers migrated westward to mountain land rich in natural resources, fish, and game. On the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties...

The Preservation Heartbomb Was Invented in Maryland in 1993

The Preservation Heartbomb Was Invented in Maryland in 1993

Preservation Maryland proclaims the earliest known occasion of preservation heartbombing in Maryland to be 1993 at the Wire Hardware Store in Rockville saved with love by Peerless Rockville, Inc. When the likely buyer of the historic Wire Hardware building had plans...

Preservation Maryland Loves Cumberland

After we announced our concern over a project that proposes demolishing owner-occupied historic homes in Cumberland, we received some critical barbs from the proponents of the project – comments in the press and local media that suggested we have never cared about...

Legislative Update: The Big Issues for Preservation

The pace of activity in Annapolis has picked up over the past few weeks with a flurry of new bills introduced each day and many hearings and briefings taking place on a variety of important issues. Preservation Maryland has been on the ground almost every day for the...

Glenn Dale Hospital: Pressing Play on a Stalled Project

Situated on a wooded campus of over 200 acres in Prince George’s County, the majority of the two dozen Georgian Revival buildings of the Glenn Dale Tuberculosis Hospital and Sanatorium date from the 1930s. Once the area’s largest employer, Glenn Dale hospital was...

Testimony: Oppose Division and Development of Stemmer House Property

Testimony: Oppose Division and Development of Stemmer House Property

In early February, at the invitation of the Valley Planning Council, Preservation Maryland's Director of Preservation Services, Margaret De Arcangelis, testified in opposition to a redevelopment project that would infringe on the historic setting of the Stemmer House,...

Legislative Update: What’s in Senator Madaleno’s Reauthorization?

On Monday, February 1st, the Maryland General Assembly's Tax Credit Evaluation Committee (TEC Committee) met to review the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) report on the state's historic rehabilitation tax credit. The credit received a favorable review, and...

Sponsor Spotlight: Colonial Dames of Maryland, Eastern Shore

Sponsor Spotlight: Colonial Dames of Maryland, Eastern Shore

Two like minds, working towards a single goal, to preserve our state's great history. These were the thoughts on the National Society of Colonial Dames of America - State of Maryland, Committee for the Eastern Shore. We have chosen to give our support to Preservation...

Preservation in Progress: Update on Six-to-Fix

2015 was a busy year. In addition to our ongoing advocacy work, grantmaking efforts and education programming, we also launched our Six-to-Fix program, which has been quietly picking up steam. The next big announcements will include opportunities for Marylanders to...

Star Wars: Return of the Preservationist

Star Wars: Return of the Preservationist

A short time ago at a nearby historic building...a devious demolition team is trying to destroy a local historic building. Luckily, a member of an ancient order of Historic Preservationists stands ready to stop them! The force is strong with Preservation Maryland.  ...

It’s Our Job to Protect History

Since 1931, Preservation Maryland has depended on people just like you– people who recognize the value of our heritage and the role it can play in creating vibrant and sustainable communities for the future. Ultimately, your support gave us the courage to launch a new...

Made in Maryland: Local Holiday Gift Guide 2015

As Marylanders rush around this time of year to find the perfect presents and treats, it’s important to remember the scores of wonderful Maryland-made products that can make the ideal gift. Supporting Maryland manufacturers keeps profits local, supports our local...

Six Ways to Save Maryland History on Giving Tuesday

Six Ways to Save Maryland History on Giving Tuesday

This Giving Tuesday we’re offering our friends six specific opportunities to help save and protect Maryland history as a part of our Six-to-Fix program. “We’re not makers of History. We are made by history.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King spoke those...

We’re Live: Preservation Maryland Launches New Website

We’re Live: Preservation Maryland Launches New Website

It’s official. After months of planning, writing, designing…re-writing…re-designing…and feverish testing, by the awesome web team at Younts Design Inc, our new website is now live. The primary goal of the new site is to become the go-to repository of all things...

Endangered Maryland is now Six-to-Fix

In 2015, Preservation Maryland enhanced their long-standing Endangered Maryland project into Six-to-Fix, an innovative new program that will design new futures for threatened historic buildings across Maryland. SIX-TO-FIX Maryland’s Six-to-Fix is an innovative new...

Announcing our Six-to-Fix program: Turning Retreat into Advance

Announcing our Six-to-Fix program: Turning Retreat into Advance

“Now is the time for action.” With those words, Preservation Maryland Executive Director Nicholas Redding concluded the inaugural Six-to-Fix announcement in the posh and mid-century modern showroom of the Price Modern company of Baltimore. The October 9th event, which...

Digital Photography Collection now available on Flickr

Digital Photography Collection now available on Flickr

Preservation Maryland has just uploaded nearly 1,500 photos from our digital image collection to Flickr – complete with detailed metadata, such as architectural style, building materials, and relevant information about the history of the site. Much of the planning,...

Tour Recap: Mid-Century Modern Maryland Bus Tour

Tour Recap: Mid-Century Modern Maryland Bus Tour

In the 1960s Prince George’s was the fasted growing in the country – that’s one of the reasons why there’s a great collection of modern buildings! Preservation Maryland hosted a bus tour on September 26 through Prince George’s and Montgomery County to wonderful, but...

From the Desk of the Executive Director: A Summer of Action

This summer has been a busy one for all of us here at Preservation Maryland. In between trips to the shore and much needed vacations, staff has also been active planning for the many programs, events and projects that lie ahead of us this fall and beyond in 2016....


Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.