Listen up! In ever progressive, Takoma Park, the city-wide historic preservation non-profit Historic Takoma, Inc has just gone live with Takoma Radio, a hyper-local radio station whose programming will include stories on local history, vibrant legacy, and new businesses and organizations, giving voice to past, present, and future stories of Takoma.
On Saturday, July 16, 2016, Takoma Radio started broadcasting on WOWD-LP 94.3, a short-range, lo-fi, FM radio station to broadcast the sounds and stories of Takoma. The station’s coverage area is 2 to 5 miles surrounding Takoma reaching a multi-jurisdictional international crossroads from Washington, DC through Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties – and be can also be streamed online.
Preservation Maryland was proud to recognize Takoma Radio and Historic Takoma, Inc for pushing preservation in this innovative direction during our Best of Maryland awards celebration on May 12, 2016 at the Annapolis Maritime Museum. In attendance, to accept their Community Choice award were: Désirée Bayonet, Diana Kohn, Marika Partridge, Lorraine Pearsall, and Tatyana Safronova.
“The programming will be by, for, and about people of all ages, types and backgrounds, representing the diverse population of our listening area. A source of live local information presented by live local people, we will share stories and music. We will frame and inform the present by including archival sounds and stories from Historic Takoma and other local audio collections. As a community, we are established, new, urban, suburban, black, white, Latino, African, Asian, European, West Indian, rich, poor, young, old.”
- Takoma Radio at the Best of Maryland awards.
- Takoma Radio team at Best of Maryland awards.