As a member of Preservation Maryland you have a front row seat to the extraordinary breadth of programs which are helping save what makes Maryland, Maryland. Together, we have accomplished a great deal by focusing on preserving Maryland’s unique heritage and forging a more prosperous future.
Recent Accomplishments
After the May 2018 flood in Ellicott City, the Howard County Executive proposed to spend $50 million and demolish nearly a dozen historic buildings along Main Street. Preservation Maryland objected to the rush to demolition, and, with your support and that of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, we hired a nationally recognized engineering firm, Simpson Gumpertz and Heger (SGH), to provide an independent third-party review of the county’s first study. The SGH analysis determined that the first plan would do little to reduce flooding on Main Street and failed to consider a variety of less intrusive and potentially more effective options, like installing a tunnel for the flood waters.
Soon after the election of Dr. Calvin Ball to the position of Howard County Executive, Dr. Ball stopped the demolition of historic buildings, named an ad hoc committee on creating a community development corporation for Ellicott City, appointed me to the ad-hoc committee, and hired SGH to provide additional engineering advice. After reviewing dozens of potential solutions, Dr. Ball narrowed the list to 5 finalists and solicited more public comment. On May 13, 2019, he made his final decision. You can view the final plan at:
This fundamental shift in the course of Howard County is due to your support. While there is still much work to be done, preservation is now at the heart of a permanent solution for historic Ellicott City.

SB741 signing in Annapolis, 2019.
Advocacy Success in Annapolis
Because we are so closely involved with preservation issues at the local level, we see firsthand how public policy makes a difference. So when we engage with members of the General Assembly, we do it with real-life examples of how and why our proposed changes in state law will save Maryland’s history. These passionate stories made all the difference this Session; here is a quick list of how our legislative advocacy succeeded in this year’s General Assembly:
- Opportunity Zones: Opportunity Zones are census tracts designated for preferential federal capital gains tax incentives as a way to spur needed investment in low-income communities. Preservation Maryland championed a series of tax law changes which would create even greater incentives for preserving historic buildings in the state’s Opportunity Zones.
- Large Campus Redevelopment: Adaptive reuse of former public property can be complicated by a knot of competing regulations and past zoning decisions. To untangle the encumbrances of these frequently large-scale campuses, Preservation Maryland supported the creation of a comprehensive study to identify the best way to streamline the process.
- Western Maryland Funding: New funding for Washington County Historical Society will be coming from $10 of each new marriage license issued in that county. The special legislative change follows similar legislation that benefits local preservation groups in other counties in Maryland.
- Flood Management: Comprehensive flood management program mandates new funding to help local jurisdictions, like Ellicott City, which are grappling with intense weather events.
- Glenn Dale Hospital: Glenn Dale Hospital adaptive reuse is a Preservation Maryland Six-to-Fix project which has been complicated by land use laws which require the complex in Prince George’s County to be a continuing care retirement community. Preservation Maryland supported legislation that would eliminate this requirement on future development while simultaneously protecting the historic buildings.
- Transportation: Better access to transportation will be studied by a new group which will identify how to improve access to transportation to jobs, education, health, rehabilitation, and other social services. The new legislation specifically calls out the appointment of a representative from Preservation Maryland, which is a first for our Smart Growth Maryland team.
More Grants
In 2019, Preservation Maryland is on track to make nearly $200,000 in new grants to help local historic preservation projects across the state. This is the largest level of annual grant making in Preservation Maryland’s history. Funding comes from the Heritage Fund which is jointly supported by Preservation Maryland and the Maryland Historical Trust. Here are just some of the projects that we have directly financially supported:
- City of Brunswick Conservation District: As part of our ongoing work with the City of Brunswick, Preservation Maryland provided funding for a consultant to assist the Brunswick Preservation and Revitalization Committee in developing tools to promote preservation in Brunswick.
- Helping to Save City Dock: City Dock is a vital part of the Colonial Annapolis National Register Historic District. In response to proposed rezoning, Preservation Maryland helped provide funding to Historic Annapolis, Inc, for an Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panel to provide strategic, multidisciplinary advice about land use and redevelopment alternatives.
- Stewardship of Churches on the Eastern Shore: In response to the need of the many historic churches that need to develop strategies for the long-term preservation of their spaces, Preservation Maryland funded the Episcopal Diocese of Easton for a four-part training from the Partners for Sacred Spaces on creating partnerships and fundraising programs to ensure the future of these historic sites.
- Creating a Mid-Century Modern Historic District: Moyaone Reserve, located in Prince George’s and Charles Counties, contains a wealth of mid-century modern structures nestled nearby Piscataway Park. Preservation Maryland provided funding to support the creation of a National Register Historic District to promote the preservation of the buildings and the landscape as part of the viewshed from Mount Vernon.
Campaign for Historic Trades
One of our most exciting new initiatives is the Campaign for Historic Trades. This transformational workforce development program is building the career pathway for young adults and veterans who want to learn the highly valued craftsmanship skills needed to preserve and restore historic buildings. Because other construction apprenticeship programs only teach the skills of new construction, the six-month long, paid, Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program is a truly one-of-a-kind. Since Preservation Maryland became the charitable partner for the Training Center last fall, we have helped launch apprenticeship training centers in five national park locations across the country stretching from Oregon and California to Florida and Puerto Rico. This expansion has already tripled the number of apprentices who are enrolling in the program.
Please make your membership pledge today! We want to keep you as a valued member of our team.