The National Trust for Historic Preservation, through its HBCU Cultural Heritage Stewardship Initiative, awarded more than $650,000 in grants to eight Historically Black Colleges and Universities to fund Cultural Heritage Stewardship Plans.
- Morgan State students working on Memorial Chapel, 2019. Image via NPS
- Participants in the “Touching History” program, 2019. Image via NPS
Morgan State University
Baltimore, Maryland
Morgan State University, founded in 1867, will develop a campus-wide plan to support and coordinate ongoing preservation of its 150 acres campus. The campus-wide plan will serve to inform future development and investment at Morgan State while improving capacity to steward its historic assets.
The other HBCU’s receiving funding this round include:
Benedict College
Columbia, South Carolina
Jackson State University
Jackson, Mississippi
Lane College
Jackson, Tennessee
Philander Smith College
Little Rock, Arkansas
Spelman College
Atlanta, Georgia
Stillman College
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, Alabama