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Maryland Preservation News Weekly

This week we led the Maryland delegation for National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week in DC, one of our Six-to-Fix projects, Dorchester County, received a grant from the Maryland Historical Trust, and much, much more happened in preservation around the State....

Endangered Historic Structures Fund

All across Maryland, the forces of demolition are on the march. Using the tired refrains of ‘urban renewal,’ leaders  have called for millions of dollars to be funneled into demolition projects that have the potential to eliminate thousands of historic structures....

Baltimore City Delegate, Dr. Mary L. Washington (center), with Gregory Katz, Council for Maryland Archaeology and Anthony Azola and Elly Colmers of Preservation Maryland.

Recap: Maryland History Advocacy Day

On February 23, 2016 Preservation Maryland joined together advocates and partners from across the state to make the case to State decision-makers for the value of Maryland’s history. Speaking with one voice, Marylanders joined together to let their state...

Image of Western Maryland mountains.

Preservation Maryland Loves Cumberland

After we announced our concern over a project that proposes demolishing owner-occupied historic homes in Cumberland, we received some critical barbs from the proponents of the project – comments in the press and local media that suggested we have never cared about...


Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.