News & Blog | Old
New Statewide Cemetery Documentation Project Underway
Working with the Maryland Department of Transportation and the State Highway Administration, Preservation Maryland has embarked on an ambitious project to document 100 cemeteries and burial sites across the state. Last month, Preservation Maryland began to document...
Explore Maryland at the Annual House and Garden Pilgrimage Tours
Each spring dozens of historic privately-owned homes and gardens open their doors to visitors during the Maryland House and Garden Pilgrimage. This year, tours will take place in Charles County, Queen Anne’s County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Carroll...
Six-to-Fix Event: Family 5K Run/Walk to Support Historic Newtowne Manor House
Preservation Maryland has been working closely with the Friends of Newtowne Manor House in Southern Maryland to repair and reuse their historic Manor House. Many repairs have been made by their volunteer corps, and the group is inviting all to participate in their...
[FILLED] Job Opportunity: Development Associate with Preservation Maryland
Preservation Maryland is currently recruiting for a full-time development associate to join our growing organization. Update: The Development Associate position at Preservation Maryland has been filled. Meet Victoria Patterson and all Preservation Maryland staff on...
Announcing Five Rural Preservation Pop-Up Offices
Thanks to the generous support of the Rural Maryland Council, Preservation Maryland will again be hitting the road to setup temporary pop-up offices in rural parts of the state. Pop-up offices are a newer concept based on similar ideas from the retail world — the...
Historic City Dock Action Committee Created in Annapolis
In October 2018, the Urban Land Institute convened a Technical Assistance Panel to explore options for the historic City Dock area that balances preservation and future growth. To provide guidance for the implementation of the recommendations in the Panel's repot,...
Historic WSSC Building Threatened with Demolition Returns to County Planning Hearing
The highly-detailed modernist Washington Suburban Sanitation Commission (WSSC) headquarters building in downtown Hyattsville remains threatened by demolition for development. The National Register-listed structure is included in a proposal by Werrlein Properties to...
Hearing Recap: Georgetown University’s Solar Field Proposal in Charles County
At a public hearing held by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) on February 27, Smart Growth Maryland and its partners in the Smarter Growth Alliance for Charles County spoke out against Georgetown University’s plans to clear-cut 240 acres of Southern...
Become a Sponsor: Exciting Opportunities at Preservation Maryland Events
Looking ahead to what will be another banner year for the advancement of the preservation movement, Preservation Maryland is pleased to give companies that support our work the opportunity to tell your story to our audience by either developing a joint marketing...
Rapid Transit for Southern Maryland: A Big Step for Smarter Growth
Smart Growth Maryland and its partners in the Smarter Growth Alliance for Charles County have long supported plans for Southern Maryland Rapid Transit (SMRT) – high-capacity, fixed-route transit from the Branch Avenue Metrorail Station in Prince George’s County to...
Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.