As the second oldest statewide preservation organization in the nation, Preservation Maryland has a long history that runs parallel to the history of the domestic practice of historic preservation itself. And that collection archived at the University of Maryland is now being processed.
- Jen Wachtel shows us the architectural drawings in the collection, 2017.
- Jen Wachtel and curator, Liz Novara, with Nicholas Redding, 2017.
Preservation Maryland has partnered with the University of Maryland to structure a practicum exercise in fulfillment of the requirements of their graduate Museum Scholarship and Material Cultural Certificate program. Jennifer Wachtel, a master’s student earning both a Master of Library and Information Science and Master of Arts in History as taken on the Preservation Maryland archive as an independent research project.
Jen’s project will culminate in the following collection elements:
- Draft finding aid to enform the University’s online catalong
- Updated collection abstract on the University’s online catalog
- New historical context statement about Preservation Maryland collection
- Displaycase exhibit at the Hornbake Library of selected collection items
- Open house at the Hornbake Library showcasing highlights from the collection
- Guiding documents to follow to continue the processing more of the collection
The goal of this partnership is to participate in the education and experience of an emerging professional in the larger field of history and preservation. In turn, Jennifer will provide a skilled assessment of the collection and several opportunities for all parties involved to promote the availability of the materials to students and researchers.