The Campaign for Historic Trades, a gateway workforce development program committed to training the next generation of skilled tradespeople to help restore and protect America’s history, is proud to announce the founding of the Historic Trades Council – a monumental and unprecedented national coalition made possible through Preservation Maryland’s innovative and groundbreaking programming.
This coalition will establish historic trades training standards and form the basis of Historic Trades apprenticeships. Historic trades apprentices can simultaneously earn accredited degrees as they work and learn on the job through our partnership with colleges across the country.

A National Park Service employee skilled in the traditional trades works to restore the ceiling in historic Ford’s Theatre
It is an enormous step forward for historic trades and preservation in the United States. Since the issuance of the Whitehill Report in 1968, the historic preservation community has been fighting for cohesive national training in the historic trades. The Historic Trades Council will tackle these issues by:
- Defining national standards for trades training through the registration of apprenticeships;
- Developing open-source historic trades training curriculum and learning resources, in English and Spanish;
- Becoming a career coach to place students in jobs and employees in structured training programs;
- Working with Public Service Corps to train young people for historic preservation careers in public lands;
- Advocating for government support for historic trades training;
- Assisting in the establishment of new programs across the country;
- Creating bridges and fostering relationships with related trades organizations to incorporate historic trades training; and
- Working with the international community to create cross-cultural study and exchange programs.
These efforts are made possible through Preservation Maryland’s dedication and commitment to the cause. Many organizations have attempted similar projects in the past, but lacked resources to maintain and see the programming to fruition.
Preservation Maryland is fortunate to have wonderful supporters like the Driehaus Foundation, J.M. Kaplan Fund, Pritzker Military Foundation, Rural Maryland Council, The 1772 Foundation and partners like the Historic Preservation Training Center. These networks are vital to the continuation and expansion of The Campaign for Historic Trades, as is support from individual donors.