Preservation Maryland is seeking proposals for the preparation of National Register of Historic Places nominations and amendments for sites related to LGBTQ history in Maryland.

Closed: Preservation Maryland has selected Dr. Susan Ferentinos to complete the work outlined in this RFP.

Summary of the Request for Proposals

Download full RFP (PDF)

Preservation Maryland seeks a consultant to provide services outlined in this Request for Proposals (RFP). All eligible bidders are encouraged to submit a full proposal no later than Monday, November 4, 2019.


The resulting work of this RFP is funded through a National Park Service CLG (Certified Local Government) grant awarded to Baltimore City and Montgomery County, managed by Preservation Maryland, and administered through by Maryland Historical Trust, in the Maryland Department of Planning. The work requested in this RFP shall reference and utilize the recent Historic Context Statement of LGBTQ History in Maryland prepared by Susan Ferentinos, Ph.D. for Preservation Maryland and funded by the Maryland Historical Trust Non-Capital Grant Program. A copy of the draft Statement will be provided upon request.


Preservation Maryland is seeking complete proposals from consultants or consulting firms with a demonstrated expertise in the preparation of National Register of Historic Places nominations and amendments for sites related to the history and experiences of LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer) Americans and/or other underrepresented communities in American history.

A recent Historic Context Statement of LGBTQ History in Maryland completed for Preservation Maryland by Susan Ferentinos, Ph.D. created a framework of understanding of LGBTQ life and history in Maryland and indicated the need for additional research, official documentation, and future interpretation. Of the more than 90,000 properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places, eighteen reference LGBTQ historical significance. There are no sites or districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Maryland for LGBTQ historical significance.

The purpose of this RFP is to prepare and submit to the Maryland Historical Trust up to ten (10) National Register of Historic Places nominations or amendments for individual sites or districts in Baltimore City and Montgomery County for their significance to Maryland LGBTQ history.

An internal committee of project partners will select up to ten (10) of the proposed locations based on historical significance, potential for public interpretation, and allocation of the available grant budget. It is unlikely that all potential locations will be part of the approved project list. The selected consultant will be notified of the final list of project sites.


3.1 Nominations/Amendments

For newly-identified sites as a result of the Maryland LGBTQ History Context Statement, NRHP nomination forms will be prepared. For sites and districts currently-listed, where the statewide research has identified LBGTQ significance not included in the existing NRHP documentation, amendments to existing documentation will be prepared.

Project partners from Baltimore City and Montgomery County have prioritized the inclusion of the following sites and neighborhoods to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

Consultant will submit proposed prices for each of five potential locations in Baltimore City and Montgomery County. Please see full RFP for property information.

The project shall be undertaken in conformance with:

  • National Register Bulletin: How to Complete the National Register Registration Form:
  • Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Historical Investigations in Maryland:
3.2 Coordination

Consultant will work with all project partners, agency representatives, and funders to ensure that the work is conducted appropriately and meets all requirements of the Maryland Historical Trust and the National Park Service. All deliverables will be prepared in consultation with Preservation Maryland’s Project Manager, Meagan Baco, and Maryland Historical Trust’s Administrator, Evaluation and Registration, Peter Kurtze. Final nominations must be submitted to Maryland Historical Trust by June 30, 2020.

3.3 Deliverables

Materials submitted to the Maryland Historical Trust become property of the State of Maryland. For each selected and completed nomination/amendment, consultant will provide:

  • Digital copies of up to ten (10) selected and completed NRHP nominations or amendments, with all supporting materials, including all photographs, maps, and graphics submitted on an archival CD or DVD.
  • Four (4) hard copies of each document specified above, including all photographs, maps, and graphics.

4. Proposal Format

All submitted proposals shall be complete and prepared in a straightforward and concise manner, including:

  • A letter of interest and explanation of consultant capabilities in successfully preparing the work detailed in 3. SCOPE OF SERVICES.
  • Resume of primary researcher(s) and their demonstrated expertise in LGBTQ history or other equally qualifying experience and in the preparation of National Register of Historic Places nominations and amendments for LGBTQ historical significance and/or traditionally underrepresented communities.
  • A list of similar projects, specifically, National Historic Landmark, National and State Register of Historic Places, or local landmarking nominations related to LGBTQ or another traditionally underrepresented community historical significance.
  • Work plan outline and timeline commencing with the completion and submission of up to ten (10) nominations/amendments by June 30, 2020.
  • A budget of the base price of requested work and individual budget line items for each proposed NRHP nominations/amendment provided in 3.1 Nominations/Amendments.

6. Submission

All eligible respondents are encouraged to submit a full proposal no later than Monday, November 4, 2019, 5PM EST. Any proposals received after that date will not be eligible for selection.

Proposals must be submitted by mail or email to:

Nicholas Redding, Executive Director
Preservation Maryland
3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 248
Baltimore, MD 21211

Any questions regarding this RFP are to be directed to: Meagan Baco, Director of Communications. Preservation Maryland: