As the nation responds and works to overcome the impacts of COVID-19, museums across the country and globe are standing out as inspirational beacons for their communities. victory gardens at old salem While Old Salem Museums & Gardens in North Carolina is closed...
Most Endangered Update: New Report on Annapolis City Dock Calls for Resiliency and Preservation
Earlier this year, the City Dock Action Committee presented their recommendations for Annapolis’ City Dock in a public meeting, illustrated report, and a video of architectural rendering. The City Dock Action Committee was formed following recommendations from...
Preservation Maryland’s Free Online Photography Collection Expands Online
Preservation Maryland has just substantially expanded the number of archival images available for public use on our Flickr account. Hundreds of digitized photos from our physical photography collection will append the thousands of more recent born-digital images...
Special Podcast Series: Healthy, Hip & Historic: Contextualizing Preservation During an International Pandemic
As COVID-19 has changed the everyday ways that we interact with each other and our communities, it’s clear that our environment has important physical and psychological effects on us all. Free Resource: Preservation Maryland's podcast, PreserveCast, is available for...
State of Maryland Awards $1 Million in Grants through the African American Heritage Preservation Program
Earlier this month, the Hogan administration announced that 12 Maryland nonprofits were recently awarded nearly $1 million in funds by the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture (MCAAHC) and the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT). The goal of the...
New Cemetery Resource Videos from the Coalition to Protect Maryland Burial Sites
Each year, the Coalition to Protect Maryland Burial Sites hosts a statewide conference to provide relevant resources and engaging new research to all those interested in the history and preservation of cemeteries in Maryland. Preservation Maryland is pleased to...
Ballot & Beyond: Multimedia Public History Project Commemorating the Legacy of the Maryland’s Suffragists
To commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, Preservation Maryland is using our 21th-century tools and an inclusive historic approach to elevate the complex history of Maryland's suffragists and their lasting legacy on equality in...
Newly Released Reports Show Positive Economic Impact of Historic Preservation in Maryland and Beyond
The economic impact of historic preservation have been highlighted in two newly released reports. THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF MARYLAND'S HISTORIC REVITALIZATION TAX CREDIT PROGRAM THE ABELL FOUNDATION, 2020 The Abell Foundation released its report, The Economic Benefits...
First-Ever National Visitation Report Shows Increase in Museum Attendance
In order to answer the question, "Do Americans still visit history organizations," the American Association for State and Local History conducted a first-ever national visitation report in late 2019 with positive results. Be Heard: Take the survey for the 2020...
Governor Hogan Includes Preservation Funding in FY21 Budget
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has released his proposed budget for fiscal year 2021, including funding for a number of key preservation and smart growth programs. The budget, which was released on January 15, 2020, is a blueprint for spending that will next be taken...
New National Standards Announced for Flood Adaptations on Historic Buildings
To address the increasing frequency of requests for technical guidelines on appropriate adaptations for historic buildings at risk of flooding, the National Park Service recently released a new resource for preservation practitioners. The need for such a document is...
Heritage Fund Supports Seven New Preservation Projects
Preservation Maryland and the Maryland Historical Trust are pleased to announce the newest grantees of the Heritage Fund grant program. The Heritage Fund is one of few stable sources of preservation funding in Maryland and has provided over $1.4 million dollars in...
Six-to-Fix Events: Historic Cemetery Documentation Regional Workshops Announced
As part of the organization's on-going work to protect Maryland's historic cemeteries, Preservation Maryland will offer public cemetery documentation workshops this winter. Working with the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration,...
Historic Lovely Lane Church Receives National Fund for Sacred Places Grant
The historic Lovely Lane United Methodist Church in Baltimore City was recently awarded a grant by the National Fund for Sacred Places, a joint program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Partners of Sacred Places - the first church in Maryland to be...
Civil War Trails Launches Online Trail Map through the Mid-Atlantic
Civil War Trails, Inc. is a non-profit organization that coordinates the research and installation of thousands of historic signs across the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast. Now, you can explore their signs online and design your own road trip to explore Civil War history....
Workshops Announced for New Maryland Historical Society Grant Program
Workshops have been announced for a new grant program administered by the Maryland Historical Society through an annual recurring allocation to the state's Preservation of Cultural Arts Fund. Preservation Maryland was supportive of the state's allocation of funds for...
Preservation Maryland Receives Award from Historic Annapolis for PreserveCast
Outreach is an integral part of Preservation Maryland's mission and while it is one of the nation's oldest historic preservation organizations, we regularly embrace new technology and opportunities to share our ethos of preservation and conservation. One of those...
Two Grant Opportunities for Preservation Projects in the Baltimore National Heritage Area
The Baltimore National Heritage Area administers four different grant programs each year that support historic preservation, heritage tourism, neighborhood greening, and economic development in Baltimore City. Two of those grants are open now. SMALL CAP GRANTS...
Heritage Fund Highlight: New Visitor Service Plan for the Newcomer House at Antietam Battlefield
The Heart of the Civil War Heritage Area received a Heritage Fund grant to craft a visitor experience plan for the historic Newcomer House on Antietam Battlefield. The historic 18th-century home served as a makeshift hospital during the battle and is now a visitor...
Maryland Historical Trust Releases New Statewide Preservation Plan
The Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) recently released the new Statewide Preservation Plan, PreserveMaryland II, intended to guide preservation efforts across the state for the next five years. Preservation Maryland was part of the plan's advisory committee, and we...
Baltimore City Historic Preservation Fund Grants Awarded
Preservation Maryland, in partnership with the Maryland Historical Trust, Baltimore Heritage, and the Baltimore City Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation, are proud announce the first round of grant awards from the Baltimore City Historic...
Summit Recap: Making Preservation and Smart Growth the New Normal
In the first Old Line State Summit since the launch of Smart Growth Maryland as a major program of Preservation Maryland, our one-day conference focused on the collaboration, advocacy, and technology needed to make preservation and conservation a reality in more and...
Maryland Heritage Area Authority Distributes $5 Million in Heritage Tourism Grants
Earlier this month, the Maryland Heritage Area Authority (MHAA), administered by the Maryland Department of Planning, announced the distribution of $5 million in grants to support heritage tourism across the state. There are 13 state heritage areas that touch every...
Live in History: Eightrupp Farm in Susquehanna State Park
Does living in a historic house located in one of Maryland’s State Parks sound like a dream come true? Eightrupp Farm in Harford County is now available through Maryland’s Resident Curatorship Program. MORE ABOUT EIGHTRUPP/LYLE FARM Eightrupp Farm is a particularly...
Session Summary: Planning for Climate Change and Cultural Heritage
Preservation Maryland and Smart Growth Maryland will host a conference session on climate change and cultural heritage at this year's Old Line State Summit in Frederick, Maryland. The session will provide a perspective from the local, county, and state level for...
State Awards $600,000 in Brick-and-Mortar Preservation Grants
For the second year since funding was restored as a result of advocacy efforts led by Preservation Maryland, $600,000 in new preservation grants were distributed recently by the Maryland Historical Trust to deserving projects around the state. Continued advocacy...
PreserveCast: Training the Next Generation of Tradespeople with Moss Rudley of the National Preservation Training Center
Saving the historic fabric of America’s National Parks is a massive job – and it requires a wide range of skills. Teaching those skills and passing down the historic trades within the National Park Service is the responsibility of the National Historic Preservation...
Summit Session: Historic Cemetery Documentation Workshop
Preservation Maryland and the State Highway Administration have entered into a partnership to document historic cemeteries across the state using a new mobile app. Attendees to the Old Line State Summit, on Wednesday, July 24, 2019 in Frederick, will have the...
Summit Session: Making Sustainability a Reality in Your Community
Many Maryland communities are advancing sustainability projects and policies to improve quality of life for residents, save money, and care for the environment. Mayor Don Briggs of Emmitsburg and former Charles County Commissioner Ken Robinson will discuss...
Summit Session: Architectural Walking Tour of Historic Frederick
The Old Line State Summit is Maryland's annual historic preservation conference. This year, Preservation Maryland will offer three workshop-style sessions including an opportunity to get out into historic Frederick to explore its architectural specimens and the...
Landmarking Basics in Talbot County
February 26 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Spirited History at McClintock Distilling Co.
March 9 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Heritage Fund FY25 Office Hours – March
March 14 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Researching Your Historic Property in Talbot County
March 22 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.