
Governor Hogan Includes Preservation Funding in FY21 Budget

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has released his proposed budget for fiscal year 2021, including funding for a number of key preservation and smart growth programs. The budget, which was released on January 15, 2020, is a blueprint for spending that will next be taken...

Heritage Fund Supports Seven New Preservation Projects

Heritage Fund Supports Seven New Preservation Projects

Preservation Maryland and the Maryland Historical Trust are pleased to announce the newest grantees of the Heritage Fund grant program. The Heritage Fund is one of few stable sources of preservation funding in Maryland and has provided over $1.4 million dollars in...

Civil War Trails Launches Online Trail Map through the Mid-Atlantic

Civil War Trails Launches Online Trail Map through the Mid-Atlantic

Civil War Trails, Inc. is a non-profit organization that coordinates the research and installation of thousands of historic signs across the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast. Now, you can explore their signs online and design your own road trip to explore Civil War history....

Workshops Announced for New Maryland Historical Society Grant Program

Workshops have been announced for a new grant program administered by the Maryland Historical Society through an annual recurring allocation to the state's Preservation of Cultural Arts Fund. Preservation Maryland was supportive of the state's allocation of funds for...

Maryland Historical Trust Releases New Statewide Preservation Plan

Maryland Historical Trust Releases New Statewide Preservation Plan

The Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) recently released the new Statewide Preservation Plan, PreserveMaryland II, intended to guide preservation efforts across the state for the next five years. Preservation Maryland was part of the plan's advisory committee, and we...

Baltimore City Historic Preservation Fund Grants Awarded

Preservation Maryland, in partnership with the Maryland Historical Trust, Baltimore Heritage, and the Baltimore City Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation, are proud announce the first round of grant awards from the Baltimore City Historic...

Summit Recap: Making Preservation and Smart Growth the New Normal

Summit Recap: Making Preservation and Smart Growth the New Normal

In the first Old Line State Summit since the launch of Smart Growth Maryland as a major program of Preservation Maryland, our one-day conference focused on the collaboration, advocacy, and technology needed to make preservation and conservation a reality in more and...

Live in History: Eightrupp Farm in Susquehanna State Park

Live in History: Eightrupp Farm in Susquehanna State Park

Does living in a historic house located in one of Maryland’s State Parks sound like a dream come true? Eightrupp Farm in Harford County is now available through Maryland’s Resident Curatorship Program. MORE ABOUT EIGHTRUPP/LYLE FARM Eightrupp Farm is a particularly...

Session Summary: Planning for Climate Change and Cultural Heritage

Preservation Maryland and Smart Growth Maryland will host a conference session on climate change and cultural heritage at this year's Old Line State Summit in Frederick, Maryland. The session will provide a perspective from the local, county, and state level for...

State Awards $600,000 in Brick-and-Mortar Preservation Grants

For the second year since funding was restored as a result of advocacy efforts led by Preservation Maryland, $600,000 in new preservation grants were distributed recently by the Maryland Historical Trust to deserving projects around the state. Continued advocacy...

Summit Session: Historic Cemetery Documentation Workshop

Summit Session: Historic Cemetery Documentation Workshop

Preservation Maryland and the State Highway Administration have entered into a partnership to document historic cemeteries across the state using a new mobile app. Attendees to the Old Line State Summit, on Wednesday, July 24, 2019 in Frederick, will have the...

Summit Session: Making Sustainability a Reality in Your Community

Many Maryland communities are advancing sustainability projects and policies to improve quality of life for residents, save money, and care for the environment. Mayor Don Briggs of Emmitsburg and former Charles County Commissioner Ken Robinson will discuss...

Summit Session: Architectural Walking Tour of Historic Frederick

The Old Line State Summit is Maryland's annual historic preservation conference. This year, Preservation Maryland will offer three workshop-style sessions including an opportunity to get out into historic Frederick to explore its architectural specimens and the...

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Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.