Preservation Maryland is soliciting proposals from qualified historic preservation professionals for the completion of a Historic Structure Report and feasibility study for the adaptive reuse of Old South Mountain Inn, located at 6132 Old National Pike, Boonsboro, MD...
REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS: Architectural and Engineering Services for Redevelopment of Historic Jail
Preservation Maryland is soliciting Statements of Qualification (SOQ) from qualified firms for architectural and engineering services for the adaptive reuse of the historic jail at 1 Emory Street, Ellicott City, Maryland 21043 as a center for preservation innovation....
Downtown Cumberland Historic District Update RFP
The Cumberland Mayor and City Council, and Historic Preservation Commission, seek the professional services of a qualified consultant to conduct the first phase of an update of the Downtown Cumberland National Register Historic District (AL-IV-A-132), nominated in...
RFP: Freedman’s State Historical Park Cultural Landscape Report
Preservation Maryland is soliciting proposals from qualified historic preservation professionals for a Cultural Landscape Report (CLR) of the future Freedman’s State Historical Park. To be considered as eligible, respondents must meet one or more of the Professional...
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Historic Preservation Research
Preservation Maryland is soliciting proposals from qualified historians/architectural historians to conduct a comprehensive historical inquiry and produce a report on the history of alcohol production in the state of Maryland. This report is part of a larger...
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Elkridge Furnace Plank Houses
Preservation Maryland, a nonprofit organization headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, is soliciting competitive proposals from qualified firms for design-build services for the restoration of the plank houses at the Elkridge Furnace Complex, located at 5745 Furnace...
RFQ: Maryland Monument to Honor Black Patriots who served in the Revolutionary War
The State House Trust, the Commission on Artistic Property (of the Maryland State Archives), the Department of General Services, and the Maryland Public Art Commission (of the Maryland State Arts Council) have announced a Request for Qualifications from artists, or...
INVITATION TO BID: Berlin House Phase 1: Exterior Historic Rehabilitation
Updated July 29, 2024: Berlin House Addenda 1-3 ________ Owned by the City of Brunswick, the Berlin House, formerly the Virginia Snoots House, is a contributing resource within the NRHP-listed Brunswick Historic District and the City of Brunswick Conservation...
City of Cumberland Issues Wayfinding Plan RFP
The City of Cumberland Mayor and City Council, in partnership with Canal Place Preservation & Development Authority, seeks proposals from consulting firms or individuals to provide research, services, options, and recommendations for the development of a...
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Captain William Burtis House Phase 1- Lifting and Stabilization
Preservation Maryland is soliciting competitive proposals from qualified firms for construction services for the lifting and stabilization of the Captain William Burtis House, 69 Prince George Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. To be considered as eligible,...
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Old South Mountain Inn Wayfinding Signage Study
Preservation Maryland is soliciting competitive proposals from qualified firms and/or individuals with demonstrated expertise in the development of graphic design, branding, design guidelines, and branding/wayfinding implementation plans for large historic landscapes,...
RFP: America250 Maryland Workshop Coordinator
Preservation Maryland is soliciting proposals from qualified workshop facilitators to host a series of workshops across the Chesapeake Bay watershed in select gateway communities and to compile a summary report with the goal of facilitating the networking, planning,...
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Fundraising Consultant
Preservation Maryland is soliciting proposals for professional fundraising services to assist in planning and implementing a capital campaign to support the organization’s diverse programs and projects, including the Historic Property Redevelopment Program....
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Rock Run Mill Architectural and Engineering Services
Updated 1/9/24: RFP Addendum and Q&A Preservation Maryland is soliciting competitive proposals from qualified firms for architectural and engineering services for restoration of Rock Run Mill, sited within Susquehanna State Park at 761 Stafford Road, Havre de...
Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.