How does a conservation district differ from a historic district - and it is right for your town? The City of Brunswick, Maryland, a town in rural Frederick County, is undertaking an initiative to create protections for their historic communities in the form of a...
Smart Growth
Best of Maryland: Cultural Landscape Assessment of Kent County earns Smart Growth Excellence Award
Kent County, Maryland’s picturesque historic and natural resources were the subject of a model report which confirmed the unique and unparalleled opportunities for preservation in this eastern shore county. For their inspired and innovative undertaking of the...
Partners for Open Space Launches #MDopenspaces Social Media Campaign
Partners for Open Space is launching a social media campaign to generate statewide support for Maryland's parks, nature, outdoor spaces, as well as its rural and historic heritage, all with a strong nod toward Maryland's Program Open Space. Preservation Maryland and...
Three Smart Growth & Preservation Legislative Victories in Frederick County
Frederick County has recently passed three pieces of landmark legislation that puts the county at the forefront of smart growth and environmental policy in Maryland. Preservation Maryland is proud to have worked with our local partners through the Smarter Growth...
Webinar Recap: Increasing Intentional & Meaningful Public Input in Planning
The municipal planning process can intimidating and inequitable, but many of the most critical decisions that impact a community are made in the planning process. In order to create new resources for Maryland communities, planners, and citizens, Preservation Maryland...
Draft Ellicott City Watershed Master Plan Available for Public Comment
The Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning has invited the public to read and comment on the draft Ellicott City Watershed Master Plan being prepared by lead firm, Mahan Rykiel Associates. Public Meeting: Join the Howard County Department of Planning and...
Legislative Victory: Sweeping Conservation & Preservation Legislation to Become Law
On the evening of July 22, 2020, the House of Representatives approved one of the most significant pieces of conservation legislation in a generation, the Great American Outdoors Act, with broad bipartisan support. Having passed the Senate in June, the legislation is...
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Designates Four New Sustainable Communities
Earlier this summer, the State of Maryland designated four new Sustainable Communities. This revitalization program provides local governments with a toolbox of state resources to support everything from bricks-and-mortar projects to tourism and now includes 121...
Nanjemoy-Mattawoman Rural Legacy Area Moves Toward Designation in Charles County
In an important step for land conservation in Southern Maryland, the Board of Charles County Commissioners recently unanimously approved plans to establish the Nanjemoy-Mattawoman Rural Legacy Area in the western region of the county. If designated, the...
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer Announces House Vote on Great American Outdoors Act
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, who represents Maryland's 5th District announced that the House would vote on the Great American Outdoors Act (HR 7092), the single largest investment in the preservation of historic, cultural, and natural resources for public lands...
State Preservation Grants Support Relocation of Historic B&O Railroad Tower in Brunswick
Gov. Hogan recently announced $600,000 in grants for capital historic preservation projects across the state, including a grant to relocate the historic B&O WB Tower in Brunswick, Maryland – also a Preservation Maryland Six-to-Fix project and recipient of a...
Reinvesting in Older Homes Can be Part of a Post-Coronavirus Solution to Affordable Housing
A leading consulting firm in the study of preservation, revitalization, and reinvestment economics, PlaceEconomics, has just released a clear case for including historic preservation principles squarely into COVID-19 recovery efforts. Event Recording: Del. Brooke...
Advocacy Alert: Land and Water Conservation Fund Essential Tool for Maryland’s Recovery
The Land and Water Conservation Fund is an essential tool for preserving America's vast and varied landscapes and cultural resources. Because of the Act's positive and proven impact, Smart Growth Maryland has joined with a number of national partners to call on...
Celebrating National Trail Day in Maryland
Each year the American Hiking Society leads and organizing special events for National Trail Day! It's a great day to explore Maryland's natural and historic landmarks - often connected through trails and byways. Read on for great trails through the Old Line State:...
New Google Maps Data Shows Maryland’s Desire to Visit Parks During Coronavirus Lockdown
Because of the safety measures taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19, we have all experienced considerable disruption to how we move and where we go. Google has been compiling data about our collective change in movement – and it shows Marylander's unebbing...
Membership 2020: Preservation Is An Act of Optimism
To be a preservationist, you need to be an optimist. You need to look at the dilapidated building, see what once was, and have the vision to see what could be. Today, at a time when despair would be easy, I need you to reach deep into your reserves of optimism – and...
Six-to-Fix Update: Report and Interactive Map Tell Story of Kent County’s Cultural Landscape
With funding from Preservation Maryland, the Kent Conservation and Preservation Alliance has prepared and released a report and interactive map about the Eastern Shore county's historic rural landscape. In 2016, Preservation Maryland named the Kent Conservation and...
Op-Ed: Smart Growth is What We Need When Times are Toughest
As America confronts the vast challenges and economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, continued implementation of smart growth policy at all levels of government must remain a priority. Unfortunately, the pandemic has put smart growth on the defensive – at a moment...
Op-Ed: Maryland Matters Publishes, “Pandemic Shines a Spotlight on the Power of Places to Sustain Us” by Executive Director, Nicholas Redding
Maryland Matters, an independent, non-partisan news site about Maryland government and politics, recently published an Op-Ed by Preservation Maryland Executive Director, Nicholas Redding. PUBLISHED BY MARYLAND MATTERS APRIL 24, 2020 As individuals across the globe...
Smart Growth Maryland Statement: The Power of Open Space
In this unprecedented time, where many people are feeling isolated by the distancing measures needed to stay safe during an international pandemic, many have turned to the natural world for support. Indeed, we have truly seen the value of open space in the weeks under...
Legislation Seeks to Strengthen Frederick County’s Forest Conservation Policies
Smart Growth Maryland helps lead a number of countywide coalitions that advocate for smart growth policy including in Frederick County where several important bills are being considered by the County Council. The Smarter Growth Alliance for Frederick County is a...
Most Endangered Update: New Report on Annapolis City Dock Calls for Resiliency and Preservation
Earlier this year, the City Dock Action Committee presented their recommendations for Annapolis’ City Dock in a public meeting, illustrated report, and a video of architectural rendering. The City Dock Action Committee was formed following recommendations from...
Smart Growth Maryland: Update from Frederick County
From trees to farms to historic places, Smart Growth Maryland has been working hard to help protect, preserve and revitalize key communities across the state and specifically in Frederick County. Additionally, Kimberly Golden Brandt, the long-time director of the...
2020 Legislative Update: Preservation Maryland Weighs in on Dozens of Bills
Preservation Maryland is in the midst of one of its busiest legislative sessions, with the organization championing several key bills and testifying on many other important pieces of legislation. 90 days of legislative advocacy Since the start of the 2020 session of...
Job Opportunity: Smart Growth Maryland Program Manager
Preservation Maryland is currently recruiting for a full-time Program Manager to join our team and lead the Smart Growth Maryland program. ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND Preservation Maryland is the oldest and largest historic preservation organization in the state. Founded...
Smart Growth Maryland Supports New Legislation to Require More Land Acquisition Transparency
Smart Growth Maryland is supporting much-needed legislation concerning land acquisition introduced by Senator Ron Young of Frederick County, a longtime champion for responsible planning, sustainable communities, and historic preservation. SB148 would require the Board...
Maryland Board of Public Works Approves $18.8 Million to Rural Legacy Program Grants
The Maryland Board of Public Works recently approved funding for the acquisition of conservation easements across Maryland through the state's Rural Legacy Program. The Rural Legacy Program was established in 1997 and has helped protect more than 103,000 acres of...
When Historic Preservation Helps Cities: A Response to Binyamin Appelbaum of the New York Times
With all due respect to New York Times’ editorial Board member Binyamin Appelbaum, who recently published a lengthy opinion against preservation, preservation is neither wholly perfect nor entirely harmful – there are shades of gray to this story which would have been...
Essential Land Conservation Program to Receive Full Funding
Governor Hogan's newly released FY21 budget includes full funding for Program Open Space, as well as repayment of funds from the program that had been previously diverted. Upon this news, Partners for Open Space, a statewide coalition of over 100 groups seeking to...
Smart Growth Maryland Signs-On in Support of Statewide Sustainable Transportation
In response to an announcement by the Hogan Administration that calls for the expansion Maryland highways, over 20 non-profit and community advocacy organizations, including Smart Growth Maryland, launched a new coalition, Maryland Advocates for Sustainable...
Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.