Earlier this year, the City Dock Action Committee presented their recommendations for Annapolis’ City Dock in a public meeting, illustrated report, and a video of architectural rendering.
The City Dock Action Committee was formed following recommendations from the Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) led by the Urban Land Institute. The TAP was convened by Historic Annapolis and was funded in part with the support of Preservation Maryland and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
The City Dock Action Committee worked throughout 2019 to create a sustainable vision for the City Dock area that would help increase community use, ease of access through various transportation methods, and preserving the important history of the site including the historic Burtis House. This effort comes following a 2018 proposal from Annapolis’ elected officials that included a large out-of-scale development. The City Dock Action Committee’s vision, in contrast, offers a public space that will serve to better connect visitors and residents to Annapolis’ maritime history.
The City Dock Action Committee was divided into several working teams that each focused on different challenges facing City Dock. The final report breaks down the recommendations from each working team in addition to presenting a full vision. The timeline presented in the report is proposed over a five year period. The end vision presents a place that provides green space, community space, and educational opportunities.
Specific recommendations of the report that are applauded by Preservation Maryland and Smart Growth Maryland include:
- Providing access to the Annapolis waterfront and planning for a more resilient City Dock in the face of increased flooding,
- Elevating non-automotive access and transportation pathways for bikes and pedestrians while making passenger vehicle parking more efficient,
- Supporting local businesses that provide goods and services to residents and visitors alike and occupy Annapolis’ historic storefronts,
- Engaging all Annapolitans in the planning and implementation process so the city’s diverse needs are being met now and into the future
- Burtis House, ca. 1982. Photo from the Maryland Historical Trust.
Additionally, the report calls-out the historic Burtis House as an individual asset to City Dock. From the report: “The Burtis House is a unique remnant of the City’s working maritime history…the significance of Burtis House is inextricably linked to its historic location.” The report called for sensitive interventions at the Burtis House that will retain its 19th-century appearance while giving it a new active use related to education or tourism.