News & Blog | Old

Preservation Grant Improvement Act Passes

Thanks to the dedicated work of grassroots advocates and the bi-partisan support of legislators, the Maryland Historical Trust Grant Fund Improvement Act has passed the General Assembly and will result in more stable future funding for preservation. New Legislation...

100th Anniversary of U.S. Entrance into WWI

After years of neutrality, on April 6, 1917, the United States made the fateful decision to enter the fighting in World War One. The decision sent shock-waves across the world and changed the lives of millions of Americans - including many Marylanders. In addition...

A new approach to fitness, ca. 1962, Library of Congress

Six-to-Fix Fundraiser: Fitness Tour

It's time to flex your preservation muscles! Gyms, yoga studios and fitness centers across the state are supporting our work through a first-of-its-kind Six-to-Fix fitness tour that supports our most proactive preservation program. Six-to-Fix is an innovative...

O! Say, Can You See Its Opening Day?

Today is Opening Day for Major League Baseball! It’s time to revive the game day traditions, play catch, and warm up those voices. Why? Find our why we sing the Star Spangled Banner at the beginning of sporting events, and why Marylanders hollar, "O!" every chance...


Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.