Nicholas A. Redding

The Aftermath of Antietam

The Aftermath of Antietam

As the sun set on September 17, 1862, Sharpsburg, Maryland had just witnessed the single bloodiest day in American history – a day that also forever changed the tiny rural town. Much has been...

Preservation Maryland Statement on the Passing of Speaker Busch

Preservation Maryland Statement on the Passing of Speaker Busch

Preservation Maryland Executive Director Nicholas Redding offered the following statement following the passing of Maryland Speaker of the House, Mike Busch: The entire staff, Board and membership of Preservation Maryland join with the rest of the state in remembering...

Year-In-Review: Saving History and Making A Difference

Year-In-Review: Saving History and Making A Difference

2018 will be a hard year to beat for Preservation Maryland. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, we have supported preservation at hundreds of sites across the state. From the marshy wetlands of Dorchester County to the rugged foothills of Garrett County – it...

100th Anniversary of the End of World War One

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One. The bloody fighting came to a brokered armistice on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour. The changes the war wrought were undeniable. It was described as the “war to end all wars.”...

Post-Election Update on the Future of Historic Ellicott City

Elections have consequences – and the most recent election in Howard County will have significant impacts on the future of historic Ellicott City. As a non-partisan organization, Preservation Maryland watched from the sidelines as the 5-year, $50 million flood...

The Preservation Ethic is Strong in Maryland

The Preservation Ethic is Strong in Maryland

When Preservation Maryland was formed in 1931, nearly 90 years ago, the United States was in a period of dramatic transformation. The pre-war twentieth century and the decades which followed World War Two were also remarkably focused on the future – and the history...

Event Recap: Old Line State Summit

Event Recap: Old Line State Summit

Over two days in June, Preservation Maryland convened the annual gathering of Maryland's preservationists for our statewide conference at the University of Maryland campus in the Maryland Milestones State Heritage Area. Recordings Available: All Old Line State Summit...

From Our Executive Director: “We Must Dare to Be Great”

If this year’s Best of Maryland award winners teach us anything about preservation, perhaps it is that in order to achieve anything there must always be risk; that in order to be great we must defy the standard notion of what is possible and strive to realize the...

Op-Ed: The Future of Ellicott City

Op-Ed: The Future of Ellicott City

When, a week ago today, I last visited Ellicott City, I found a community full of hope and potential. Just two years shy of the devastating 2016 flood, Main Street bustled with activity and new life. Just a few short days later, that new reality was shattered by a...

Annual Report: Rolling Up Our Sleeves for Preservation

Annual Report: Rolling Up Our Sleeves for Preservation

Over the past year, Preservation Maryland has worked diligently to keep preservation a priority throughout the entire state. However, the goal wasn't just to keep what we had—or to defend the current state of preservation—but also to advance the cause of preservation;...

President Lincoln Visits Maryland

President Lincoln Visits Maryland

Abraham Lincoln made many visits and stops in Maryland over the course of his presidency and broader political career, but perhaps none are as photographically iconic as his trip to the Maryland countryside in October of 1862. On October 1, 1862 Mr. Lincoln and a...

The Great Task Remaining Before Us

This was a year of major achievements for the preservation community and for Preservation Maryland. On the eve on a New Year, our Executive Director, Nicholas Redding, takes a look back at our major 2017 milestones and the work left to do in 2018. MAJOR MILESTONES OF...

Preservation Maryland Impact Report 2017

Preservation Maryland Impact Report 2017

Here's a look back over the past year at Preservation Maryland's biggest challenges, accomplishments, partnerships, and victories. In our 2017 Year-in-Review Report you'll see how your support helped us to save more of Maryland's irreplaceable heritage and what we...

Pledge to Help Save Maryland History with an Annual Fund Gift

Pledge to Help Save Maryland History with an Annual Fund Gift

With the winter holiday rush closing in, I wanted to give you a quick update on an exciting recent accomplishment, reflect on our goals, and ask you to support our Annual Fund for the work ahead of us. From the desk of Nicholas A. Redding An Update At Preservation...

Six-to-Fix Update: New Major Projects Revealed at Benefit Event

Six-to-Fix Update: New Major Projects Revealed at Benefit Event

On Thursday, October 19, 2017, Preservation Maryland hosted its annual Six-to-Fix Benefit to support the award winning program. Now in its third year, the program has amassed a collection of over 18 distinct and unique projects – each with their own set of challenges...

100th Anniversary of U.S. Entrance into WWI

After years of neutrality, on April 6, 1917, the United States made the fateful decision to enter the fighting in World War One. The decision sent shock-waves across the world and changed the lives of millions of Americans - including many Marylanders. In addition to...

Op-Ed: A Momentous Day for Preservation

On Friday, March 10, 2017, the National Park Service officially welcomed a new co-managed unit into the 101-year-old agency's collection - the Harriett Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park in Cambridge, Maryland. Make no mistake, though, this was much...

Six-to-Fix-Update: Much Needed Roof Repairs at Shafer Farm

Six-to-Fix-Update: Much Needed Roof Repairs at Shafer Farm

At the Shafer Farm in historic Burkittsville, Maryland, Preservation Maryland partnered with the Durable Slate Company to help patch the historic roof and keep the water out as the fundraising begins to pay for a total rehabilitation. As a part of the organization's...

Six-to-Fix Update: Crowdsourcing a Roof for Shafer Farm

Six-to-Fix Update: Crowdsourcing a Roof for Shafer Farm

We're asking you - all of you - to help put a new roof on the important South Mountain Battlefield farmstead at the Shafer Farm. Our $2,500 fundraising goal will off-set the cost of a crew of roofers from the Durable Slate Company to make the roof last through the...

Our Work Will Outlast Us All

If you're like Preservation Maryland staff and supporters, you know that our work is never done. Everyday we learn about one more historic place that needs our help - and your help. Preservation Maryland came to the aid of those historic places in need in 2016,...

50 Years of Preservation: A Call to Action

Fifty years ago,  with the stroke of a pen, President Johnson authorized a new framework for saving historic places. The National Historic Preservation Act, which he signed into law on October 15, 1966, gave voice, purpose and structure to our movement. The challenges...

A Pivotal Moment: The Battle of Shepherdstown

A Pivotal Moment: The Battle of Shepherdstown

The fighting didn't stop at Antietam — and just two days later the armies re-engaged along the banks of the Potomac at Shepherdstown. Preservation Maryland Executive Director Nicholas Redding published the following essay in Hallowed Ground on the 150th anniversary of...

The Work is Never Done

It's been said that one of the great things about the National Park idea is that the work's never done - it's simply never finished. From the Desk of Nicholas A. Redding Each succeeding generation is called upon to steward these resources and to identify new places to...

Reflections on D-Day: “To set free a suffering humanity”

Reflections on D-Day: “To set free a suffering humanity”

On June 6, 1944 the United States along with its Allies from around the globe landed on the shores of fortress Europe and opened up a new front in the campaign to free the world of fascism and tyranny. This was D-Day. Anniversary Conversation: Upon the 76th...

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Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.