
2022 Harrison Goodall Preservation Fellow Selected 

2022 Harrison Goodall Preservation Fellow Selected 

CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE FELLOWSHIP + TO APPLY Preservation Maryland and The National Park Service are pleased to announce the 2022 Harrison Goodall Preservation Fellow. Now in its third year, the fellowship supports innovation and professional growth...

Preservation Maryland Releases Opportunity Report

Preservation Maryland Releases Opportunity Report

REVITALIZE. RECRUIT. ADVOCATE. Preservation Maryland works to protect Maryland’s unique and irreplaceable heritage while creating a more equitable and sustainable future. We remain at the forefront of the reservation movement, creatively working to preserve place,...

New Report Calls for Smart Growth Policy to Prevent Farmland Loss

New Report Calls for Smart Growth Policy to Prevent Farmland Loss

The American Farmland Trust has just released its "Farms Under Threat 2040: Choosing and Abundant Future" report, an ambitious modeling effort to project how climate change and development will affect agricultural land, which clearly  demonstrates the need for smart...

Governor Hogan Signs Historic Tax Credit Bill Into Law

Governor Hogan Signs Historic Tax Credit Bill Into Law

Preservation Maryland’s Director of Government Relations Elly Cowan joined Senator Katie Fry Hester and Isaac Meyer from Compass Government Relations Partners in Annapolis May 16, 2022 as the Historic Revitalization Tax Credit – Funding and Extension (SB289/HB27) was...

Smart Growth Candidate Forums

Smart Growth Candidate Forums

Much of Smart Growth Maryland’s work involves advocacy at the local level. In Maryland, where and how a jurisdiction grows – and does not grow – is decided locally through a comprehensive planning process. Public involvement is a critical part of that process, with...

Sine Die 2022: State Legislative Advocacy Report

Sine Die 2022: State Legislative Advocacy Report

The 2022 Legislative Session of the Maryland General Assembly will come to a close on Monday, April 11, 2022. After 90 days of championing key bills and testifying on many other pieces of important legislation, it is safe to say that Preservation Maryland had one of...

Historic WB Tower Successfully Moved in Brunswick

Historic WB Tower Successfully Moved in Brunswick

City residents, preservation proponents and rail enthusiasts alike gathered in Brunswick on April 2, 2022 to watch the culmination of ten years of advocacy, determination, and planning. On that very crisp and sunny morning, the historic West Brunswick Tower—an...

Session Update: Key Preservation Bills Crossover

Session Update: Key Preservation Bills Crossover

We are closing in on the last few weeks of an extremely busy 90-day legislative session, and Preservation Maryland is staying engaged in Annapolis, with the organization championing several key bills and testifying on many other important pieces of legislation. With...

National Crabmeat Day: A Look at the History of Crabbing in Maryland

National Crabmeat Day: A Look at the History of Crabbing in Maryland

While Marylanders are well known for their pride in their state flag, they are also known for their love of crabs -- and the Old Bay that they sprinkle on them. Crabs are a staple in Maryland. Boiled, steamed, broiled, sautéed. Crab soup, crab cakes, crab dip. There...

Redding Testifies on State Trades Corps Legislation

Redding Testifies on State Trades Corps Legislation

President & CEO Nicholas Redding testified this week, in front of the Senate Budget and Tax Committee, in support of  legislation, SB228, to make improvements to the Maryland Corps program, including the creation of a state Historic Trades Corps.  Preservation...

Governor Hogan’s FY22 Budget Increases Preservation Funding

Governor Hogan’s FY22 Budget Increases Preservation Funding

Governor Hogan's newly released FY23 budget includes an increase in funding for the Historic Revitalization Tax Credit and level funding for several other essential preservation programs. For the first time in nearly a decade, the Governor's budget includes increased...

Priority Issues for the 2022 Legislative Session

Priority Issues for the 2022 Legislative Session

The 444th session of the Maryland General Assembly begins today. This session still may not look like those of years past due to Covid-19 precautions, Preservation Maryland remains ready to be the voice of historic preservation in Annapolis. We are hitting the ground...

Preservation Maryland Hosts Legislative Preview

Preservation Maryland Hosts Legislative Preview

A week before the start of the 2022 session of the Maryland General Assembly, Preservation Maryland, in partnership with Cross Street Partners, co-hosted a legislative preview and conversation with Senator Cory McCray of Baltimore City and House Majority Leader Eric...

2021 Year-in-Review from the Preservation Maryland Team

2021 Year-in-Review from the Preservation Maryland Team

In 2021 Preservation Maryland celebrated our 90th anniversary and tackled some of our largest initiatives yet, working to preserve the state’s unique and irreplaceable heritage while concurrently creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable future. Through...

Year-In-Review: Spotlight on Smart Growth

Year-In-Review: Spotlight on Smart Growth

In 2021 our team advocated for preservation and smart growth policies that invest in our communities and help provide more equitable, sustainable, and livable opportunities for Maryland residents. Read more about our Smart Growth victories here.  Local Smart Growth...

Year-In-Review: Spotlight on Advocacy

Year-In-Review: Spotlight on Advocacy

Preservation Maryland championed important legislation at the local, state, and federal levels in the past year. These preservation and smart growth policies invested in our communities and helped provide more equitable, sustainable, and livable opportunities for...

Job Opportunity: Cemetery Preservation Workshop Coordinator

Job Opportunity: Cemetery Preservation Workshop Coordinator

Preservation Maryland and The Campaign for Historic Trades seek applicants for the Cemetery Preservation Workshop Coordinator position. Position: Cemetery Preservation Workshop Coordinator Position Description: This is a part-time, 20-hours-per-week, 9-month term,...

Redding Testifies in Support of  H.R. 4494

Redding Testifies in Support of  H.R. 4494

President & CEO Nicholas Redding testified today, in front of the federal subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands (NPFPL), in support of  H.R. 4494 to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to acquire land in Frederick County for the Historic...

Action Alert: Call on the Senate to Support Federal HTC

Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee passed infrastructure budget reconciliation legislation that includes provisions to expand the federal Historic Tax Credit.  Unfortunately, current negotiations with leadership to reduce the cost and scope of the bill...

Preservation Primer: Saving & Preserving Historic Barns

Preservation Primer: Saving & Preserving Historic Barns

Barns tell the story of Maryland. They are stunning visual anchors on the agricultural landscape that mark time and remind us all of the Old Line State’s farming heritage. From the weathered tobacco barns of Southern Maryland to the towering bank barns of Western...

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Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.