Due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Annapolis Maritime Museum has canceled this year's Oyster Roast and Sock Burning. After a particularly snowy winter in 1978, Annapolitan Bob Tuner was anxious to shed his socks with the arrival of spring. He...
Only in Maryland
Official Statement: Preservation Maryland on Demolitions in Washington County, Maryland
Following the Washington County Planning Commission's decision to clear a pathway for the demolition of several significant structures, Preservation Maryland issued the following statement: ...
Preservation Maryland Executive Director Nicholas Redding Selected by The Daily Record as one of the Most Influential Marylanders
In a statement released Feburary 4, 2020, The Daily Record announced that it had selected Preservation Maryland Executive Director Nicholas Redding to receive the 2020 Influential Marylander award. Fifty-two Influential Marylanders were selected by the editors of The...
Maryland Board of Public Works Approves $18.8 Million to Rural Legacy Program Grants
The Maryland Board of Public Works recently approved funding for the acquisition of conservation easements across Maryland through the state's Rural Legacy Program. The Rural Legacy Program was established in 1997 and has helped protect more than 103,000 acres of...
When Historic Preservation Helps Cities: A Response to Binyamin Appelbaum of the New York Times
With all due respect to New York Times’ editorial Board member Binyamin Appelbaum, who recently published a lengthy opinion against preservation, preservation is neither wholly perfect nor entirely harmful – there are shades of gray to this story which would have been...
Campaign for Historic Trades Accepted as Member of The Corps Network
As a part of the Campaign for Historic Trades' planned expansion, the new program of Preservation Maryland was recently accepted as a member of The Corps Network, the national association of service and conservation corps. The Campaign for Historic Trades is a...
Heritage Fund Highlight: Havre de Grace Colored School Foundation Oral History Project
The Havre de Grace Colored School Foundation is stewarding the structure and stories of the Havre de Grace Colored School and working to create new museum and cultural center. The Heritage Fund supported the organization's efforts to gather important first-hand oral...
Executive Director Nicholas Redding featured as Preservation Action Advocacy Hero
Preservation Maryland Executive Director Nicholas Redding has been featured as Preservation Action's monthly Preservation Hero for his role on the front lines of preservation advocacy and for his impact and inspiration to preservation practitioners across the country....
Open Internship: Public History & Heritage Tourism Internship
Preservation Maryland is pleased to offer a number of internships throughout the year, including a Public History & Heritage Tourism Internship through our Waxter Internship Program. Internship Details Project: Seek out, explore, research and write about...
Rolling Application Dates: Maryland Historic Preservation Internships
One of the ways that Preservation Maryland moves towards the Maryland that we envision is through training a new generation of preservationists with the William D. Waxter Memorial Internship program. OPEN INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Preservation Maryland offers an...
Testimony by Smart Growth Maryland to Advance Southern Maryland Rapid Transit Project
In one of the earliest hearings after the start of the 440th Maryland General Assembly, Smart Growth Maryland and its partners in the Smarter Growth Alliance for Charles County will be testifying in support of legislation that will advance the planning of the Southern...
Priority Preservation Issues for the 2020 Legislative Session
Today marks the start of the 440th Session of the Maryland General Assembly, and Preservation Maryland is prepared to be the voice of historic preservation in Annapolis. We have a full slate of priorities in support of historic tax credits, community revitalization,...
From The Executive Director: Looking Ahead to 2020
The past decade has been one of dramatic and accelerating growth for Preservation Maryland. FROM NICHOLAS A. REDDING, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Since just 2015, the organization has accomplished a great deal, including: Launching several new high-profile programs, including,...
New National Standards Announced for Flood Adaptations on Historic Buildings
To address the increasing frequency of requests for technical guidelines on appropriate adaptations for historic buildings at risk of flooding, the National Park Service recently released a new resource for preservation practitioners. The need for such a document is...
Six-to-Fix Update: Video Sneak Peak of Reimagined Historic City Dock in Annapolis
With support and advocacy from an array of national, state, and local partners, including Preservation Maryland, the City Dock Advocacy Committee has worked steadily on crafting a sustainable and vibrant reimagining of Annapolis' historic downtown waterfront. In 2018,...
Top 11 Preservation Victories of 2019
In 2019, Preservation Maryland achieved several important victories across our major programs, including advocacy, grantmaking, smart growth, historic trades, and all of our research and education efforts. At any one-time, our staff is working on many active and...
The J.M. Kaplan Fund Visits Baltimore to Present Innovation Prize to Preservation Maryland Executive Director
On Tuesday, December 17, representatives of The J.M. Kaplan Fund gathered with long-term supporters and key funders of Preservation Maryland at Fort McHenry National Monument to officially announce and award Preservation Maryland Executive Director Nicholas Redding...
Campaign for Historic Trades Presents Before Federal Panel
On Thursday, November 7, 2019, the Campaign for Historic Trades, a program of Preservation Maryland, was invited to present before the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation about the innovative new public-private partnership. At the invitation of the Advisory...
National Maple Syrup Day in Maryland
Did you know that Tuesday, December 17, 2019 is National Maple Syrup Day? When you think of the sweet, golden liquid we know as maple syrup, you probably think of Canada or New England. But did you know that Maryland has its own maple syrup tradition, too? Western...
Preservation Maryland Executive Director Represents Preservation Community at Convening of National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
As a component of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Resilient America program, Preservation Maryland has been engaged in broad national conversations about resiliency, hazard mitigation and the critical impact on cultural and historic...
“Harriet” Movie Celebrates Strength of Maryland Heroine
Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and led dozens of people to freedom over several trips back to Maryland. Released in November 2019, Harriet, is the first feature-length film depicting Harriet's heroism. NOW SHOWING HISTORY After a...
Video: Preservation Maryland 2019 Donor Impact Report
Preservation Maryland's work takes us to some of Maryland's most stunning historic places but also to important places that time has forgotten and to communities that need our help. We work every day to make preservation a priority in approaching the challenges and...
Heritage Fund Supports Seven New Preservation Projects
Preservation Maryland and the Maryland Historical Trust are pleased to announce the newest grantees of the Heritage Fund grant program. The Heritage Fund is one of few stable sources of preservation funding in Maryland and has provided over $1.4 million dollars in...
Giving Tuesday Supports our Waxter Memorial Internship Program
With a founding legacy gift by William D. Waxter, Preservation Maryland's Waxter Memorial Internship Program has grown to engage dozens of students in real-work preservation and diverse public history projects. Giving Tuesday: Your donation to Preservation Maryland...
Preservation Maryland’s Made in Maryland Holiday Gift Guide
From award-winning libations to botanical skincare lines to food items steeped in Maryland tradition, this Holiday Gift Guide showcases the diversity and creativity that exists among Maryland’s makers. While making your list and checking it twice, we hope you enjoy...
Six-to-Fix Update: Documenting Brunswick’s Outsized Role in Maryland’s Railroad History
Preservation Maryland is pleased to partner with the leaders and citizens of the City of Brunswick to help support the preservation of their railroad heritage and specifically to relocate and interpret the historic WB Tower. The City of Brunswick was an important...
RFP: Market Feasibility Study for Future Uses of the Winstead Company Packing Plant in Hughesville, Maryland
The Charles County Department of Planning and Growth Management seeks proposals to undertake a market feasibility study for future uses of the historic Winstead Company Packing Plant in Hughesville, Maryland. The tobacco warehouses in Charles County represent some...
Historic Lovely Lane Church Receives National Fund for Sacred Places Grant
The historic Lovely Lane United Methodist Church in Baltimore City was recently awarded a grant by the National Fund for Sacred Places, a joint program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Partners of Sacred Places - the first church in Maryland to be...
National Prize for Social Innovation Goes to Preservation Maryland Executive Director Nicholas Redding
The J.M. Kaplan Fund announced today the results of its nationwide search to identify ten exceptionally catalytic social and environmental change initiatives. Preservation Maryland Executive Director Nicholas Redding was selected for his work in launching The Campaign...
Chairman Jorjani of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Tours the Historic Preservation Training Center
On October 17, 2019, Aimee Jorjani, the newly appointed Chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, visited the Historic Preservation Training Center in Frederick, Maryland to learn more about the Campaign for Historic Trades. Chairman Jorjani is the...
Cemetery Preservation Basics at the Carroll County Public Library
Join Preservation Maryland at the Carroll County Public Library – Finksburg Branch, on Monday,...
March 17 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pmResearching Your Historic Property in Talbot County
March 22 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.