News & Blog | Old
Congress Holds Hearing Targeting National Historic Preservation Act
The Nation's most important historic preservation law came under scrutiny recently at a hearing of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight entitled, "Examining Impacts of Federal Natural Resources Laws Gone Awry, Part II" The hearing on July 18, 2017, which...
New Resource: Ellicott City Flood After Action Report
The response by Preservation Maryland to the Ellicott City flood of 2016 was an opportunity to utilize our strengths - our understanding of historic buildings - to help those impacted. It has also been one of the greatest challenges. In our "After Action Report,"...
New Report: Maryland Historical Trust Annual Report 2016
At Preservation Maryland, we work very closely with the state's historic preservation office, the Maryland Historical Trust. Their recently released annual report for 2016 highlights the impact of the state programs for which Preservation Maryland advocates and...
Heritage Fund Highlight: Relocating “The Ark” in Calvert County
In order to preserve the historic and unique Ark of Hungerford Creek, it needed to be relocated to the Calvert Marine Museum to serve as it's permanent home and stewards. This effort was partially funded by the Heritage Fund, and Preservation Maryland was onsite to...
Historic Foodways: Making Ice Cream in Maryland
It's National Ice Cream Day! BRIEF HISTORY OF ICE CREAM The history of ice cream in the United States dates back to 1744. An official from Virginia named William Black dined at the house of Maryland Governor Thomas Bladen in Annapolis. Black’s journal entry about...
PreserveCast Ep. 17: Tricks of the Trade with The Craftsman Blog
This episode of PreserveCast features Scott Sidler of The Craftsmans Blog and Austin Home Restorations in Orlando, Florida, to discuss a range of topics, including Scott's tips on restoring historic windows in your own home, as well as the story of how a man who...
Journey through Maryland History: Howard County Historic Highlights
The journey through Maryland history continues for Diane Caslow, Vice President of our Board of Directors! Last month, she explored Howard County and she concentrated the adventure on Columbia, celebrating it's 50th anniversary this year, and Ellicott City, just...
PreserveList: Preservation Service Directory for the Mid-Atlantic
When you want to do right by your older home, PreserveList will connect you with the service providers that you need. Whether it's financing or finishes, Victorian or Mid-Century, PreserveList is your one-stop shop for all things preservation! It's free, click here...
PreserveCast Ep. 16: Energy Audits and Retrofitting for Older and Historic Homes
What do you do with a drafty attic? A window? The whole house? Ed Minch and Thom Marston are here with us today to talk about one approach to making homes more energy efficient and their work at the nation's first energy audit company, Energy Services Group. Stick...
Then & Now: Glen Echo Park
Today Glen Echo Park in Montgomery County is a lively campus of open space, arts studios, and plays host to many community events. Some portions of the Park are operated by the National Park Service and some by the Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture....
Preservation Maryland participates in and hosts many events in and around Maryland. Take a look at our upcoming events to see where we’ll be next.